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Eugene Electric Bicycles
We have 2 openings for trainee technicians. This role is subject to a 90 day probationary period. This is a good fit if you are interested in unique, high-performance, specialist repair work. Previous experience is not required but is a plus. Those with extensive experience are encouraged to apply for our Service Technician position ($20-25/hour).
- Trainee Pay starts at $16/hour; $18/hour for UBI "Intro to Mechanics" grads.
- Advancement is self-paced, compensation scales with advancement up to $30/hour.
- On the Job Training and study materials provided.
- 8 - 10 hour shifts.
- 4 day work week, no split days off.
Our Shop: We support a diverse community of many ability levels, ages, and lifestyles. What links us all is a love of cycling and all that it brings. We sell high quality e-assist cycles and service all types at all levels from lubing a chain to rebuilding a motor.
Location: Eugene is a cycling haven with constant infrastructure improvements and city-run cycling events.
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